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IBPS Clerk Memory Based Question Paper

Last updated on 09-Jul-2024

IBPS Clerk Memory Based Paper: IBPS Clerk 2022 Prelims Exam is to be conducted soon in August 2022. To give your preparation an extra edge, we have created IBPS Clerk Memory Based Paper 2021 Live Test. The IBPS Clerk Memory-based Live test is based on the IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam conducted on 12th December 2021 (First Shift). The IBPS Clerk Memory Based test is prepared from the feedback received from students who have appeared for the IBPS Clerk exam. The Memory based questions give a better picture of the kind of questions that are asked in the exam. Let us have a look at all the details about this test.

IBPS Clerk Memory Based Paper 2021-12th December 2021

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IBPS Clerk Prelims Memory Based Paper 2021 Test - Benefits

  • Candidates preparing for the IBPS Clerk exam must go through the IBPS Clerk Previous Year Paper. When the candidates solve IBPS Clerk previous year papers, their accuracy, time management, and approach to multiple types of work will be optimized.
  • Candidates will be able to grasp the IBPS Clerk Syllabus and exam pattern by practicing on IBPS Clerk Previous Year Papers. It is extremely beneficial to understand sectional weighting, marking schemes, question patterns, repeated questions, and unique questions, among other things.
  • It enables candidates to increase their accuracy and speed. You'll get a better understanding of how they work as you solve more IBPS Clerk question papers. As a result, you'll have a better understanding of the questions and be able to respond to them faster and more accurately. By looking over IBPS Clerk's previous year papers, candidates can assess their own level of preparation.

IBPS Clerk Memory-Based Question Paper (based on IBPS Clerk 2020 exam)

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IBPS Clerk Exam Pattern 2021

IBPS Clerk Preliminary Examination Pattern

The IBPS preliminary examination for the post of IBPS Clerk will be conducted online. The duration of the examination will be an hour. The examination will be of 3 sections, with 100 questions and a maximum score of 100 marks. This examination will have a negative marking, and 0.25 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.  The Preliminary examination pattern is given below:

Sl. No.Name of TestsNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
1English Language303020 minutes
2Numerical Ability353520 minutes
3Reasoning Ability353520 minutes
 Total10010060 minutes

IBPS Clerk Mains Examination Pattern:

The IBPS Clerk Mains Exam Pattern consists of one paper divided into four sections. The questions are of objective multiple choice type. Check the table below for a detailed IBPS Clerk main examination pattern.

Name of TestsNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksTime Duration
General/ Financial Awareness505035 minutes
General English 404035 minutes
Reasoning Ability and Computer Aptitude506045 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude505045 minutes
Total190200160 minutes

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How much does an IBPS Clerk make?

The basic pay of IBPS Clerk is INR 20,900 with a yearly increment of INR 1,230 for the next three years.

Is IBPS Clerk exam cut-off announced separately for Prelims and mains? +

Yes, the IBPS Clerk cut-off is released by IBPS separately for Prelims and Mains. Candidates will be able to see both the sectional and overall cut-off marks for their respective categories.

What exactly does an IBPS clerk do? +

Documentation and back-office work are the key responsibilities of an IBPS Clerk. Verifying documents and countersigning cheques and bank drafts are also part of the job description.

Can a candidate apply for the IBPS Clerk exam after passing class 12th? +

No, after passing class 12th, a candidate cannot apply for the IBPS Clerk examination. To apply for the exam, a candidate must have at least a Bachelor’s degree in any discipline.

How many times can you take the IBPS Clerk exam? +

The IBPS Clerk test does not have a set number of attempts. A candidate may apply for as long as he or she is qualified for the examination.

Is there any negative marking in the IBPS Clerk exam? +

Yes, for each incorrectly marked response, 0.25 points are deducted. Because the prelims and mains computer-based examinations have negative marking, candidates must be extremely cautious while answering questions.

How many Vacancies are announced for IBPS Clerk 2024 Recruitment? +

The IBPS Clerk 2024 Recruitment has announced a total of 6,128 vacancies.

What is the registration start date for the IBPS Clerk Recruitment 2024? +

The registration for the IBPS Clerk Recruitment 2024 starts on 01st July 2024.

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