The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission has announced the examination dates for the Review Officer (RO)/Samiksha Adhikari and Assistant Review Officer (ARO)/ Sahayak Samiksha Adhikari. The Preliminary examination date for these posts is set as 5th December 2021, while the Mains examination will be held on 10th April 2022. The commission had announced through notification No A-2 / E-1 / 2021 recruitment for these posts on 5th March 2021. The vacancies for General recruitment are 228, and 109 posts are available for special recruitment. Continue reading further for UPPSC RO ARO Salary & UPPSC RO ARO Job Profile details and other important dates and details. The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission Review Officer and Assistant Review Officer have a pay scale of Rs.47,600/- to Rs.1,51,100/- based on Pay Level 8 and Rs.44,900/- to Rs.1,42,400/based on Pay Level 7, respectively.
The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) for the posts of Review Officer and Assistant Review officer has a Grade Pay ofRs.4200/- to Rs.5400/- from Level 7 and Level 8with the pay band being PB- 2 (Rs.9300/- to Rs.34,800/-). The Assistant Review Officer pay scale is Rs.44,900/- to Rs,1,42,400/-. The Review Officer’s pay scale is Rs.47,600/- to Rs.1,51,100/-. The UPPSC Review Officer’s in-hand salary is approximately Rs.48,000/- and the Assistant Review Officer’s carry home salary is about Rs.44,000/-.
Also Read: UPPSC RO ARO Exam
The UPPSC Review Officer Salary is Rs.47,600/-. The Pay level is 8, and the Grade Pay standing at Rs.4,800/-. The maximum salary given to a Review Officer is Rs.1,51,100/-. The salary details- allowances and deductions are mentioned below:
Category | Amount |
Pay Level | 08 |
Pay Band | PB-2 (Rs.9,300/- to Rs.34,800/-) |
Pay Scale | Rs.47,600 – 1,51,100/- |
Grade Pay | 4800 |
Basic Salary | Rs.47,600/- |
Maximum Salary | Rs.1,51,100/- |
D.A.(Dearness Allowance) | As per the rules |
H.R.A.(House Rent Allowance) | As per the rules |
Category | Amount |
PF(10% of basic) | 4760 |
NPS(10% of basic DA) | – |
Income Tax | As per government rules |
The UPPSC Review Officer per month in-hand salary after deductions is Rs.47,600/- approximately.
The UPPSC Assistant Review Officer Salary is Rs.44,900/-. The Pay level is 7, and the grade pay Rs. 2,000/-. The approximate salary of an Assistant Review Officer is Rs.40,000/-. The detailed salary- allowances, and deductions are mentioned below:
Category | Amount |
Pay Level | 07 |
Pay Band | Pay Band-2 (Rs.9,300/- to Rs.34,800/-) |
Pay Scale | Rs.44,900/- to Rs.1,42,400/- |
Grade Pay | Rs.4,200/- |
Basic Salary | Rs.44,900/- |
Maximum Salary | Rs.1,42,400/- |
D.A.(Dearness Allowance) | As per the rules |
H.R.A.(House Rent Allowance) | As per the rules |
Category | Amount |
PF(10% of basic) | 3540 |
NPS(10% of basic DA) | – |
Income Tax | As per the government rules |
The UPPSC Assistant Review Officer per month in-hand salary after deductions is Rs.44,000/- approximately.
UPPSC Review Officer and Assistant Review Officer Salary Calculation
The steps to calculate the salary of the UPPSC Review Officer and Assistant Review Officer are:
- Find the Basic Salary
- Add D.A. (Dearness Allowance) @17% to the Basic Salary
- Add HRA (House Rent Allowance)
- Add Medical Allowance
Total Salary as per the 7th pay commission= Basic Pay/ Basic Salary Dearness Allowance House Rent Allowance Medical Allowance.
Net Salary= Gross Salary – Deductions
UPPSC RO ARO Job Profile
The Review Officer and Assistant Review Officer are posted in different departments like the Uttar Pradesh Service Commission, Uttar Pradesh State Secretariat, the Revenue Board, and the Office of the Chief Election Officer. ARO is promoted to the post of RO, and ROs are promoted to the post of Assistant Section Officer during the job tenure. For further promotions, performance, Seniority, and results of Departmental examinations are considered.
Responsibilities and Duties of RO and ARO
The duties and responsibilities of the Review Officer and the Assistant Review Officer are demanding. Their duties are mentioned below:
- The RO and ARO have to maintain the records of the department. They have to maintain the diary and relevant documents.
- To maintain records of the pending files and prepare the demand letters.
- Helping the subordinates with the fresh paperwork.
- To issue letters with headlines to the CM’s Office Section.
- Maintaining the manuals and documents of the particular departments and sections and maintaining these documents’ privacy.
- The Assistant Review Officer also performs the duty of a clerk/ Typist in the absence of one.
- The Review Officer and the Assistant Review Officer have to monitor the movement of documents and manuals and also prepare new copies and detailed letters as and when required.
I hope this article has helped provide the information you needed. The details of the UPPSC RO ARO Salary & Job Profile are clearly mentioned here. This will give you a lucid picture of the responsibilities of the Review Officer and the Assistant Review Officer. Since the preliminary examination is set for 5th December 2021, there are months left. So you must start revising in earnest. After the prelims are over, you will have about 3 months to prepare for the main examination. So, if you continue studying diligently for these 3 months, you will certainly do well in the Mains paper and succeed.