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SSC CHSL Syllabus 2023 for Tier 1 & 2 (Revised)

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Last updated on 13-Sep-2023

SSC CHSL Syllabus 2023 

As per the latest SSC CHSL notification 2023 the SSC CHSL exam have only two tiers. In order to prepare for the exam the candidates must be well aware of SSC CHSL Syllabus 2023. The SSC CHSL Tier-1 exam includes multiple choice questions, whereas Tier-2 includes Objective-type questions and Skill test.

The SSC CHSL Tier-I Syllabus includes four subjects: English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, General Intelligence, and General Awareness. The following are the subject-wise topics for the SSC CHSL 2023 Tier-I exam:

Knowing the syllabus is very helpful for candidates in preparing for the exam. This section deals with the syllabus of the SSC CHSL exam.  

Check the latest revised syllabus for SSC CHSL Syllabus 2023 here.

  • Tier-1
  • Tier-2

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SSC CHSL Syllabus 2023 - Tier I Syllabus

General IntelligenceQuantitative Aptitude (Basic Arithmetic Skill)English Language (Basic Knowledge)General Awareness
Logical ReasoningSimplificationReading ComprehensionHistory
Alphanumeric SeriesProfit & LossCloze TestCulture
Ranking/Direction/Alphabet TestMixtures and AllegationsPara jumblesGeography
Data SufficiencySimple Interest, Compound Interest, Surds and IndicesMiscellaneousEconomy
Coded InequalitiesWork and TimeFill in the blanksGeneral Policy
Seating ArrangementTime and DistanceMultiple Meaning/Error SpottingScientific Research
PuzzleMensuration – Cylinder, Cone, SphereParagraph CompletionAwards and Honors
TabulationData InterpretationOne Word SubstitutionBooks and Authors
SyllogismRatio & Proportion, PercentageActive/Passive Voice  
Blood RelationsNumber Systems  
Input OutputSequence and Series  
Coding DecodingPermutation, Combination and Probability  

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SSC CHSL Syllabus 2023 - Syllabus Subject Wise

The detailed SSC CHSL Syllabus for Computer-Based Examination (Tier-I) is discussed below:

General Awareness Syllabus for SSC CHSL

Questions from the General Awareness section are designed to test the candidate's general knowledge of the environment around him and its 14 applications to society. Questions are also designed to test knowledge of current events and of such matters of everyday observation and experience in their scientific aspect as may be expected of an educated person. The test will also include questions relating to India and its neighbouring countries especially pertaining to History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General policy, Static Awareness, Indian GK and scientific research.

General Intelligence Syllabus for SSC CHSL

This section includes questions of both verbal and non-verbal reasoning. The questions will be asked from 

  1. Semantic Analogy
  2. Symbolic operations
  3. Symbolic/ Number Analogy
  4. Trends
  5. Figural Analogy
  6. Space Orientation
  7. Semantic Classification
  8. Venn Diagrams
  9. Number Series
  10. Embedded figures
  11. Figural Series
  12. Critical Thinking
  13. Problem Solving
  14. Symbolic/ Number Classification
  15. Drawing inferences
  16. Figural Classification
  17. Punched hole/ pattern folding & unfolding
  18. Semantic Series
  19. Figural Pattern-folding and completion
  20. Emotional Intelligence
  21. Word Building, Social Intelligence
  22. Coding and de-coding
  23. Other sub-topics if any Numerical operations.

English Language Syllabus for SSC CHSL

The English Language questions will be asked from the following topics: 

  1. Spot the Error
  2. Fill in the Blanks
  3. Synonyms/ Homonyms
  4. Antonyms
  5. Spellings/ Detecting misspelt words
  6. Idioms & Phrases
  7. One-word substitution
  8. Improvement of Sentences
  9. Active/ Passive Voice of Verbs
  10. Conversion into Direct/Indirect narration
  11. Shuffling of Sentence parts
  12. Shuffling of Sentences in a passage
  13. Cloze Passage
  14. Comprehension Passage

Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus for SSC CHSL

  1. Number Systems: Computation of Whole Number, Decimal and Fractions, Relationship between numbers.
  2. Fundamental arithmetical operations: Percentages, Ratio and Proportion, Square roots, Averages, Interest (Simple and Compound), Profit and Loss, Discount, Partnership Business, Mixture and Allegation, Time and distance, Time and work.
  3. Mensuration: Triangle, Quadrilaterals, Regular Polygons, Circle, Right Prism, Right Circular Cone, Right Circular Cylinder, Sphere, Hemispheres, Rectangular Parallelepiped, Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square Base.
  4. Algebra: Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra and Elementary surds (simple problems) and Graphs of Linear Equations.
  5. Geometry: Familiarity with elementary geometric figures and facts: Triangle and its various kinds of centres, Congruence and similarity of triangles, Circle and its chords, tangents, angles subtended by chords of a circle, common tangents to two or more circles.
  6. Trigonometry: Trigonometry, Trigonometric ratios, Complementary angles, Height and distances (simple problems only) Standard Identities like sin2 πœƒ + Cos2 πœƒ=1 etc.
  7. Statistical Charts: Use of Tables and Graphs: Histogram, Frequency polygon, Bar-diagram, Pie-chart.

SSC CHSL Syllabus 2023 - Tier II Syllabus

Mathematical AbilitiesNumber Systems: Computation of Whole Number, Decimal and Fractions, Relationship between numbers
Fundamental arithmetical operations: Percentages, Ratio and Proportion, Square roots, Averages, Interest (Simple and Compound), Profit and Loss, Discount, Partnership Business, Mixture and Alligation, Time and distance, Time and work
Algebra: Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra and Elementary surds (simple problems) and Graphs of Linear Equations.
Geometry: Familiarity with elementary geometric figures and facts: Triangle and its various kinds of centres, Congruence and similarity of triangles, Circle and its chords, tangents, angles subtended by chords of a circle, common tangents to two or more circles. 
Mensuration: Triangle, Quadrilaterals, Regular Polygons, Circle, Right Prism, Right Circular Cone, Right Circular Cylinder, Sphere, Hemispheres, Rectangular Parallelepiped, Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square Base.
Trigonometry: Trigonometry, Trigonometric ratios, Complementary angles, Height and distances (simple problems only) Standard Identities like sin2πœƒ + Cos2πœƒ=1 etc.
Statistics and probability: Use of Tables and Graphs: Histogram, Frequency polygon, Bar-diagram, Pie-chart; Measures of central tendency: mean, median, mode, standard deviation; calculation of simple probabilities
(Reasoning and General IntelligenceQuestions of both verbal and non-verbal type. These will include questions on Semantic Analogy, Symbolic operations, Symbolic/ Number Analogy, Trends, Figural Analogy, Space Orientation, Semantic Classification, Venn Diagrams, Symbolic/ Number Classification, Drawing inferences, Figural Classification, Punched hole/ pattern-folding & unfolding, Semantic Series, Figural Pattern-folding and completion, Number Series, Embedded figures, Figural Series, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Emotional Intelligence, Word Building, Social Intelligence, Coding and de-coding, Numerical operations, Other subtopics, if any
(English Language And ComprehensionVocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, synonyms, antonyms and their correct usage; Spot the Error, Fill in the Blanks, Synonyms/ Homonyms, Antonyms, Spellings/ Detecting mis-spelt words, Idioms & Phrases, One word substitution, Improvement of Sentences, Active/ Passive Voice of Verbs, Conversion into Direct/ Indirect narration, Shuffling of Sentence parts, Shuffling of Sentences in a passage, Cloze Passage, Comprehension Passage. To test comprehension, two or more paragraphs will be given and questions based on those will be asked. At least one paragraph should be a simple one based on a book or a story and the other paragraph should be based on current affairs editorial or a report.
General AwarenessQuestions are designed to test the candidates' general awareness of the environment around them and its application to society. Questions are also designed to test knowledge of current events and of such matters of everyday observation and experience in their scientific aspect as may be expected of an educated person. The test will also include questions relating to India and its neighboring countries especially pertaining to History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General policy and scientific research.
Computer ProficiencyComputer Basics: Organization of a computer, Central Processing Unit (CPU), input/ output devices, computer memory, memory organization, back- up devices, PORTs, Windows Explorer, Keyboard shortcuts 
Software: Windows Operating system including basics of Microsoft Office like MS word, MS Excel and Power Point etc.. 
Working with Internet and e-mails: Web Browsing & Searching, Downloading & Uploading, Managing an E-mail Account, e-Banking. 
Basics of networking and cyber security: Networking devices and protocols, Network and information security threats (like hacking, virus, worms, Trojan etc.) and preventive measures.

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SSC CHSL Syllabus 2023 - SSC CHSL Exam Pattern

Check the complete SSC CHSL Exam Pattern below :

SSC CHSL Tier 1 Exam Pattern

SubjectsQuestionsTotal Marks
General Awareness2550
General Intelligence 2550
Quantitative Aptitude2550
English Language2550


  • Total time of 60 minutes is there.
  • The Tier-I Examination will consist of Objective Type, Multiple choice questions only. The questions will be set in English and Hindi for Part-II, III & IV.
  • There will be negative marking of 0.50 marks for each wrong answer. Candidates are, therefore, advised to keep this in mind while answering the questions.

SSC CHSL Tier 2 Exam Pattern

The SSC CHSL exam pattern has been changed this year, find the updated exam pattern below.

of Questions
Maximum MarksTime allowed
(2 hours
& 15 minutes)
Module-I:   Mathematical Abilities
Module-II:      Reasoning and General Intelligence.
Total = 60
= 180
1 hour (for each section) (1 hour & 20 minutes for the candidates eligible for scribe as  per Para-8.1 and 8.2)
Module-I:            English Language & Comprehension
Module-II:          General Awareness
Total = 60
= 180
Module-I:        Computer Knowledge Module
= 45
15 Minutes (20   minutes for the      candidates eligible      for scribe as per Para-8.1 and 8.2)
Module-II: Skill Test/ Typing Test Module
Part A: Skill Test for DEOs.–15 Minutes (20 minutes for the   candidates eligible  for scribe as per Para-8.1 and 8.2)
   Part B: Typing Test for LDC/ JSA.–10 Minutes (15 minutes for the      candidates eligible       for scribe as per Para-8.1 and 8.2)

*For the visually handicapped (40% disability) the test duration is 30 minutes.

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Points to mention –

  • Tier-II will be conducted in two sessions – Session –I & Session-II, on same day. Session-I will include conducting of Section-I, Section-II and Module-I of Section-III. Session-II will include conducting of Module-II of Section-III.
  • It will be mandatory for the candidates to qualify all the sections of Tier-II.
  • Tier-II will consist of Objective Type, Multiple choice questions, except for Module-II of Section-III. The questions will be set in English and Hindi except for Module-II (i.e. English Language and Comprehension module) in Section-II.
  • There will be negative marking of 1 mark for each wrong answer in Section-I, Section-II and Module-I of Section-III. Candidates are, therefore, advised to keep this in mind while answering the questions.
  • Module-I of Section-III i.e. Computer Knowledge Test is mandatory but qualifying in nature.

Module-II of Section-III i.e. Skill Test/ Typing Test:

  • Module-II of Section-III will include conducting of Skill Test/ Typing Test in Session-II on the same day.
  • Skill Test/ Typing Test will be of qualifying nature.
  • Errors in the Skill Test will be calculated up to 2 decimal places.

Skill test/Typing test will be conducted as per the following scheme.

  • Skill Test is mandatory for Data Entry Operators. No candidate is exempted from appearing in the Skill Test.
  • Part A -Skill Test for the post of DEO/ DEO Grade β€˜A – β€˜Data Entry Speed of 8,000 (Eight Thousand) Key Depressions per hour on Computer' will be adjudged on the basis of the correct entry of words/ key depressions as per the given passage. The duration of the
  • Test will be 15 (Fifteen) minutes and printed matter in English containing about 2000-2200 key-depressions would be given to each candidate who would enter the same in the Computer. The passage to be entered in the Computer may also be displayed on the computer screen.
  • Part B – Typing Test for other posts i.e. LDC/ JSA: The medium of Typing Test will be Hindi or English. The candidates will have to opt for the medium of Typing Test (i.e. either Hindi or English) in the online Application Form.

Also Read  - SSC CHSL Exam Other Information 


When will SSC CHSL 2023 Tier-2 be conducted? βˆ’

The SSC CHSL 2023 tier-2 will be conducted on 2nd November 2023.

What are the different stages of the exam? +

There are two stages of the exam i.e. tier-1 and tier-2.

What is the age limit for SSC CHSL Exam 2023? +

A candidate must be 18-27 years.

What is the last date and time for SSC CHSL 2023 online application? +

The last date and time for SSC CHSL 2022 online application is 10-06-2023 (23:00)

What is the salary of SSC CHSL after 5 years? +

The salary of SSC CHSL after 5 years would be probably increase up to Rs 22,400.

When is the SSC CHSL Tier - 1 Exam? +

SSC CHSL Tier-1 Exam 2023 was conducted from 2nd to 17th August 2023.

How many attempts are there in SSC CHSL? +

There are no limits or restrictions for the number of attempts that one can take in the SSC CHSL exam.

What is the Salary of Level 1 in SSC? +

The SSC CGL salary varies from a minimum of Rs.18,000 to Rs.2,50,000 (including perks).

When will be the SSC CHSL notification released? +

The official notification for SSC CHSL 2023 exam was released on 09th May 2023.

Which are the best books for preparation of SSC CHSL 2023? +

Here are few best books for the preparation of SSC CHSL 2023.
English: Objective General English by S.P.Bakshi, Word Power Made Easy by Normen Lewis, etc.
Reasoning: Lucent Reasoning by Arihant Publication
Mathematics: Magical Books on Quicker Maths by M-Tyra (BSC Publication), Data Interpretation Decoded by oliveboard.

How much is the SSC CHSL exam application fee? +

The application fee for SSC CHSL exam is 100/- rupees. It is important to note that ST/SC/Females/Ex-servicemen are exempted from the SSC CHSL 2023 fees.

Is there any negative marking for SSC CHSL 2023? +

Yes, there will be negative mark given for SSC CHSL exam. For every wrong answer 0.05 mark will be deducted.

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