In Karnataka, several public works are conducted through corporations specifically formed by the Government for executing public works. The State has passed the Right to Information Act and also the Transparency in Procurement Act. The Government officials claim that this has improved transparency in the tender process. Every state has a Public Work Department taking care of the various districts and municipalities work.
The quality inspection job is done through internal checks by the departments concerned in Karnataka. The Government follows the process of grading contractors as a measure towards quality improvement and timely completion in public work. Every year depending on the department's requirement, new recruitment in the Karnataka Public Work Department takes place. The most common role for the job is that of an engineer. Continue reading for details of the KPWD Salary and KPWD Job Profile.
KPWD Job Profile
Karnataka PWD recruits for two positions, Assistant Engineer (AE) and Junior Engineer (JE). The latest exams were conducted on 22nd, 23rd and 24th June 2019, where many candidates appeared in the exam and contested for the position. The total number of posts launched for AE and JE is 870 posts. There was a requirement of 570 Assistant Engineers and 300 Junior Engineers. The merit list is declared based on the results of their exams. The dates for the exam to be held in 2021-22 are yet to be announced.
All You Need To Know About KPWD Posts
Particulars | Description |
Number of Posts | 870 (AE-570, JE-300) |
Name of Posts | Assistant Engineer and Junior Engineer |
KPWD Salary | Assistant Engineer Salary (Rs 33,450/- to Rs 82,900/-) Junior Engineer Salary (Rs. 33,450 /- to Rs. 62,600/- ) |
Selection Process | 85% weightage is given to Written Examination and 15% weightage to the Interview Process |
Probation Period | - The selected applicants can be posted to any area under the Public Works Department in the Karnataka State jurisdiction, and they'll be under a 2 year probationary period as per the Karnataka Civil Service (probationary Service) rules, 1977.
- If the recruited candidate is extra qualified than the prescribed qualification, the KPWD will not consider their request for a better post based on better qualifications.
Exam Result | Typically, it takes about 20-30 days for the results to be declared. |
Salary Benefits And Allowances
The salary bracket of KPWD jobs for assistant engineers is Rs 33,450 to Rs 82,900, and junior engineer is Rs 33,450 to Rs 62,600. The minimum grade pay for this position is Rs 4200. Other benefits and allowances include special allowance for child care for women. It also includes perks for women with disabilities. Transport allowance is also provided at double the normal rate.